Pos Category Description


Inventory & Data and Analytics


Responsible for overseeing the activities related to ordering, receiving, storing, and distributing, merchandise, supplies and products.  

The team focuses on Demand Planning; managing and planning for customer demand and Supply Planning; managing and planning the inventory supply to meet customer demand. Simply put, it is all about Customer Forecast versus Inventory Supply.

Ordering, storing & making available goods for our customers requires careful planning. We must work with our supply partners and couriers to track our inventory portfolio across the world, then into our receiving centres and branches. 

The Inventory team is responsible for ordering product but also plays a major role in supplier relations, goods receipt, putaway, storage, merchandising and distribution. The risk of failing to have product available for the customer must be weighed against the risk of holding too much excess and obsolete stock. The benefits of buying locally must be balanced against the benefits of buying on long lead times from the Far East.

Forecasting demand, providing suitable replacements for items in constraint and expediting the receipt of goods into the DC are all core functions of the Inventory team. Cromwell’s Inventory team also plays a large part in controlling purchase price inflation by adhering to strict vendor minimums.

Data and Analytics Teams

Our Data teams translate numbers into plain English. 

They take data, organize it and use it to reach meaningful insights and conclusions to support our business and drive results and improved service to our customers. We have specialist who also use insights and data to forecast the future based on past patterns which helps us to prepare and stay ahead of trends.

Our Data teams gather, organise and interpret data to support effective business decision making. They look for meaningful patterns in our data which they can use to describe, predict or improve our business performance and customer experience. The team produces metrics packs that measure our past performance and guide our future business planning as well as developing new ways of understanding our business. 

The team seeks to apply mathematics and statistics to big data to solve real business problems. They rely on the simultaneous application of computer programming, data visualisation and operations research to quantify performance & success.

Applications include marketing optimization, obtaining value from unstructured data (such as email) and forecasting demand.
